Sunday, 4 April 2010

Rare Bird Finder

Before the full list goes up, some people expressed an interest in a partial list which shows where to find over 60 of the rarest birds in Misiones.

So here it is - click the link below - and, as always, we welcome comments and ideas!

A few notes - numbers preceding a year date, such as 2, 3-2004, indicate the months (Feb and Mar in this case) of the last published sighting of this species. Year entries without month data indicate the most recent year the species was seen at the locality.

A single X indicates that the species has been recorded in the locality.

A double XX indicates a place where the species may be seen regularly.

Not all species have data entries. If there's no entry, this bird hasn't been seen for a while!

The list is presented in alphabetical order of scientific names. If you copy the list to an excel file, or using the Google spreadsheet app, the numbers in column A can be used to order the list in taxonomic series (Data>Sort... column A), or you can sort alphabetically by English name (Data>Sort... column C) as required.

There is a lot of information out there, in the form of trip reports and lists for localities published on the web for instance. We hope to collate and include many more sources soon, and to provide a "links and references" section so readers can evaluate these sightings and information more fully.

Finally, this Rare Bird Finder is intended to be used with a map showing the localities listed - coming soon!

Good birding - Guy :>=